Meditsinskiy Yurist Po Meditsinskim Sporam Po Delam O Zashchite Prav Patsiyentov

Meditsinskiy Yurist Po Meditsinskim Sporam Po Delam O Zashchite Prav Patsiyentov рядом с

  • Широта, Долгота: 55.822266, 37.6471271

Meditsinskiy Yurist Po Meditsinskim Sporam Po Delam O Zashchite Prav Patsiyentov часы работы

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Meditsinskiy Yurist Po Meditsinskim Sporam Po Delam O Zashchite Prav Patsiyentov Отзывы

Professional and high quality. Zhanna Olegovna Altunyan, a medical lawyer, approached my issue with great responsibility. I owe my victory against the medical organization in court to her, for which I express my gratitude.

She helped me in resolving my issue promptly and efficiently, despite the fact that she spends almost all her time in courts and in investigative departments and is in great dema …

Great! Thanks to her participation in the court, I received 4 million rubles from a medical organization by a …

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